And he was acquainted with grief. Why callest thou me good? This Friday isn’t. There is such heaviness on my heart. To acknowledge my participation in the cruelty inflicted and the suffering of a child of God.
And it continues.
Love, save me from my self, my mistakes, my acts of omission and trafficking in lies.
Lord, lift me up and let me stand in Love.
I know I can give myself permission, but all too soon I forget this Truth.
I am willing to go through. To be transformed by the renewing of my mind. And to surrender to the great command that is in me. Always I am presented with this opportunity. I get to rise to the occasion and open my broken yet still beating heart unto the Holy Way. I allow the Christ Consciousness to lead and to let me. In this Way I am ‘found’ and never ‘lost’– for long.
I willingly surrender to the Divine Design for my life, which includes simply being a unique place and space for God to do the rest. And the rest is prologue to Eternal Life.
I am embraceable by God. I rejoice in this and allow God to be God as my whole life. Serenity, glory and grace abide in me forever.
And where have you laid him? Where does he rest? I want to see him and to comfort him. I want to praise and adore him. I want to take all this back, and not allow it to be! I give way to compassion and forgiveness. I give way to Love to completely, surely and finally conquer all. I give all for this.
Lord, make me pure in heart that I may see God and that I may know God aright. That I as All may live in peace. Take this bitter cup and smash it to bits and pieces. I am willing to loose my cleverness and to be bewilderment. I am willing to be wild for God. To be passionate for righteousness. I am willing to rise above any and all apparent limitation and to be the glory that I had with God before the world was.
No weeping willows here, please! See through the glass darkly into the Light of profound realization and meet there the Christ face to face and heart to heart.
And will I be made whole? Absolutely. Here and now.
The rest is up to God and down to me. And I won’t rest until I rest in Thee.
Whither shall I go from thy Spirit?
Nowhere, Lord.
Selah, Selah.
Amazing words.