7. Healing

Wholeness Revealed

“The Whole Heart Speaks”

“The greatest healing would be to wake up from what we are not.”- Mooji

Above all, Rev. Greta helped me heal. At 25, I was diagnosed with cancer. I was told that the road ahead was going to be long and challenging. After three recurrences and four treatments, last year, at the age of 34, I had a stem cell transplant. Throughout the process, Rev. Greta prayed with me. She encouraged me to accept the divine healing that was taking place in my body. And, most importantly, she helped me understand that this cancer was just a part of my experience. Her approach to helping me was such a blessing.
A. Taylor
I first began receiving support from Greta Sesheta just days after I received a diagnosis of cancer. Her strength and love carried me through many surgeries, procedures, hospitalizations, decisions, treatments, financial worries, grief and mothering of my four-year-old son. What a load I could have never carried alone. Greta gave me the strength to be me and to know the light of God inside of me. Through prayer and talking with her, I didn't just get support in coping, I experienced a love and a knowningess of the Creator that will be with me always.
S. Ramey

Support for Sesheta’s Healing Pathway

“Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world.” George Bernard Shaw

“Healing means ‘to bring one into harmony with everything.’” Navajo translation of the word

“Healing is simply the outpouring of our natural wholeness.”  Margaret Stortz

”Our sorrows and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion.” – Buddha

“Sesheta Speaks”

Healing takes place in consciousness. It is the consciousness of wholeness, the application of love to what hurts. Love is the First Aid and the follow up is the practice of spiritual principles that flow from that Love. They include Awareness, Balance, Faith, Gratitude, Harmony, Intelligence, Nature, Peace, Quietude, Truth, Rest, Wholeness and Wisdom.

Healing ourselves and our world is an inside job. When we become conscientious instead of contentious, when we feel respect instead of rancor, when we are more willing to hear each other than to hate each other, we are well on our way to healing.

I utilize gifts of grace, sacredness, openness and light, gentleness and open heartedness, healing touch, and deep ancestral wisdom.

As a practitioner, minister and healer I wear a cloak of many colors. I can slip it on and off, turn it inside out. It’s about being a space of consciousness. Healing and prayer go hand in hand. I am able to be present and allow healing to take place. I am a practitioner of Truth. I tell the Truth. The Truth sets us all free.

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