
About Us
Soul Sisters was born out of the friendship of Rickie Byars and Greta Sesheta. Inspired by each other and a shared connection to the Divine through music, movement, and wisdom, they gathered a community of women transcending their differences and forging deep spiritual connections through creative expression, compassion and empowerment.
Each year since 1999, hundreds of women from all walks of life, preteens to elders, strangers and friends, have come together to laugh and cry, share their knowledge and insights, and change the stories that would deny their greatness to ones that affirm it.
Soul Sisters Today honors these beginnings and assures its legacy by increasing the number and types of gatherings and creating online resources that provide year-long opportunities to celebrate, engage, connect and grow in awareness that at the level of the Soul. We are One.

Rickie Byars is one of the most acclaimed and beloved singer-songwriters there is in the genre of inspirational/NewThought music. Through her three decade career as both a solo artist and as founder/director of the world-renowned Agape International Choir, Byars’ deeply soulful and heart-felt songs of spiritual renewal, uplift and empowerment have struck a powerful chord with audiences around the globe.
She has released nine albums over her illustrious career. Byars dedicates much of her time to social activist causes including Voices 4 Freedom, an abolitionist organization that works to free the70-million modern-day slaves around the world, and Kuumba in Motion, a non-profit educational initiative that empowers children to discover their inherent gifts and talents through exposure to nature, the arts and creative sciences.
She is also the Founder of HUBCITYLIVE/ ETHIOPIA-MINCHU Project, a technological futuristic city planned for Bahir Dar, Ethiopia. Known by many Ethiopians as “The Real Wakanda,” the Afro-futuristic project will usher in next-generation technologies, conscious commerce, innovation, culture and opportunity to an emerging Afrika.
Greta Sesheta was anointed with the name “Sesheta” in a Kemetic Study Group in honor of the ancient Egyptian goddess of writing and record keeping in 1993.
The energy of the Divine Feminine is a powerful anchor for her work in the world. She is founder of 7-Pointed Star Ministries, an assemblage of seven spiritual modalities through which she ministers and serves: Preaching, Speaking, Teaching, Writing, Coaching, Counseling and Healing.
An ordained minister since 2005, of Agape International Spiritual Center and Centers for Spiritual Living, she teaches, facilitates workshops, retreats and teleseminars, and creates sacred ceremonies and ritual for individuals and organizations. She is the author of “Calling in the Circle-Peace and Power Through Prayer and Meditation,” “Journal for the Journey, “ and “Poems To Wake Up To.”
In addition to her spiritual focus, she often appears in movies, commercials, television and national print campaigns. Ever enveloped in an atmosphere of prayerful awareness, Sesheta is an open, receptive and available avenue for the energy of health, healing and wholeness. Her Vision is a world at peace populated by individuals who know they are divine expressions of One Life, and who honor and esteem all Life with intelligent thought, word and action.
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